Notas importantes
Simply one of the best chain adjusters on the market: the GILLES.TOOLING *Chain adjuster TCA*. Experience the precise engineering and perfect form of GILLES.TOOLING design. Discover a unique, innovative chain adjuster. The Vernier scale provides a high degree of reading accuracy. An ideal way of compensating for production tolerances. The position of the rear wheel can be read off in millimetres.
All of the aluminium components are made from high-strength al7075, are engineered in a high-precision CNC process and given an extra-resistant, hard anodised finish. All screws and threaded bolts are made of stainless steel.
The TCA system makes fitting of the rear wheel much easier.
If you appreciate technical and aesthetic perfection, you should always use the GILLES.TOOLING chain adjuster together with the corresponding GILLES.TOOLING axle nut for the model. Furthermore, the system can be supplemented by a professional GILLES.TOOLING stand lifter bracket and GILLES.TOOLING rear axle crash pad.
with all GILLES.TOOLING TCA Chain Adjusters, the axle nut is always on the RIGHT facing in the direction of travel! On certain models, therefore, in contrast with the original, the axle must be pushed through from the left. This is no problem whatsoever in technical terms and also has the advantage that, in the event of a crash, the axle and axle nut are protected by the exhaust.
Manufacturer: Gilles Tooling GmbH | Op Der Ahlkerrech 26 | 6776 Grevenmacher | Luxemburg | +352 2678 93-1 | info@gillestooling.com | www.gillestooling.com
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