Motorbike Foam Filter Cleaner, 1l
1 L
N.º de art. 10080207
Notas importantes
28,39 € 2
19,99 € 1
Precio base:
1 l = 19,98 €1
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Motorbike Foam Filter Cleaner, 1l 1 L
Water-miscible cleaning concentrate specially formulated for air filters. Excellently dissolves dust, dirt and grease and cleans gently, without damage to the foam pores.
For all standard foam air filters in the 2 and 4-stroke range.
Place the filter in a suitable container. Mix cleaner with water. Dose between 1:5 and 1:10 depending on the degree of soiling (1 part cleaner, 5-10 parts water). Immerse the filter completely in the cleaning solution and leave to work for 5-10 minutes. Then carefully knead the filter in the solution until it is completely cleaned inside and out. Never wring out the filter, as this can cause damage. Then squeeze out the filter under fresh water until the cleaner has been rinsed out completely. If stubborn dirt remains, repeat the process if necessary. Allow the filter to dry in ambient air before fitting. Then coat with Motorbike air filter oil from LIQUI MOLY.
For all standard foam air filters in the 2 and 4-stroke range.
- economical to use
- does not contain flammable solvents or hazardous substances
- excellent cleaning effect
- economical to use
- cleans efficiently and gently
Place the filter in a suitable container. Mix cleaner with water. Dose between 1:5 and 1:10 depending on the degree of soiling (1 part cleaner, 5-10 parts water). Immerse the filter completely in the cleaning solution and leave to work for 5-10 minutes. Then carefully knead the filter in the solution until it is completely cleaned inside and out. Never wring out the filter, as this can cause damage. Then squeeze out the filter under fresh water until the cleaner has been rinsed out completely. If stubborn dirt remains, repeat the process if necessary. Allow the filter to dry in ambient air before fitting. Then coat with Motorbike air filter oil from LIQUI MOLY.
Manufacturer: Liqui Moly GmbH | Jerg-Wieland-Str. 4 | 89081 Ulm-Lehr | Germany | +49 73114200 | |
Provoca irritación cutánea
Provoca lesiones oculares graves
Información del fabricante: LIQUI MOLY
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LIQUI MOLY - Aditivos de alta tecnología para su motoEn base a una patente para la licuefacción del disulfuro de molibdeno (MoS2), la empresa se fundó en Ulm en 1957. Hoy en día, LIQUI MOLY es un especialista en lubricantes y aditivos de renombre mundial. LIQUI MOLY dispone de una amplia gama de aditivos para aceites y combustibles, especialmente para los motores de las motos. Probados y comprobados en las carreras. Para una larga vida del motor a pleno rendimiento.
By purchasing this item you have chosen a premium-quality product with superior German workmanship. This internationally acknowledged mark of quality means that this product is the result of efficiently coordinated development and production processes, technological expertise, continuous quality controls.
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