Laser Monkey Chain Alignment Tool
Laser Monkey Chain Alignment Tool
Laser Monkey Chain Alignment Tool
Laser Monkey Chain Alignment Tool
Laser Monkey Chain Alignment Tool
Laser Monkey Chain Alignment Tool
Laser Monkey Chain Alignment Tool
Laser Monkey Chain Alignment Tool
Laser Monkey Chain Alignment Tool
Laser Monkey Chain Alignment Tool
Chain Monkey

Laser Monkey Chain Alignment Tool


N.º de art. 10091903

2 Evaluaciones

49,99 € 1

Laser Monkey Chain Alignment Tool HERRA. ALINEACIÓN CADENAS

Laser Monkey for perfect chain alignment
  • suitable for chain and belt adjustment
  • ensures precise wheel alignment
  • wheel alignment adjustment with minimal mechanical knowledge
  • for everyday riders as well as professional mechanics
  • Saves time during adjustment
  • suitable for chain and belt motorcycles regardless of make and model
  • works for belt drives up to 1.5 inches wide
  • ideal for motorcycles on the road and off-road
Tip: The Laser Monkey can be perfectly combined with the Chain Monkey.
Manufacturer: Tru Tension Ltd | 26 Upper Pembroke Street | Dublin 2, D02 X361 | Ireland | |
RII-AEE registro número: 7822
Evaluaciones (2)
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